Saturday, January 24, 2009

Has president Bush achieved his education goal

Has president Bush achieved his education goal


In your yesterday article, you have asked this: Has president Bush achieved his education goal set in his 2001 inguaration speech? George Bush has, in this speech, pledged to reclaim America's schools, before ignorance and apathy claim more young lives. Yes, he was right in pointing out the root of the problem: Americans lost their control over their schools. Losing the control over school is a root of many problems. Americans hated each other more, resulting in many serious campus murder cases, leaving many bloodshed and death of young people. American education deteriorated very rapidly that mathematics level rated farr behind those Asian and European countries. This line of speech showed that Bush and his colleagues, the Republicans, were well aware of the issue.

However, during his tenure at office, Mr Bush failed to launch a comprehensive reform to restore American education system. We can see many terrible violence events in schools, most notably the one in Virginia University, where a Korean immigrant student killed many his classmates there two years ago. American youth mathematical, scientific, and linguistic skills deteriorated. A recent study showed that among those aged between 18 and 24, 40% would never read a book, and two-third of them would know nothing of the Iraq location in world map. These are signs of the failures in American education system. Despite Bush and Clinton policies to restore it to normal, education system still has many faults, urgently needed for a repair......



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