Sunday, May 17, 2009

problem of the rats


I cannot agree more with your prophetic words in the article:蟑螂打噴嚏了,怎麼辦? It has been said long time ago by many experts that the dirtiness of the drainage shall make the drainage an ideal habitat for the cockroaches to live and transform themselves into a super cockroaches with resistance against the insecticide we are now using. However, these words went unheeded by majority of people in many quarters of world, and that it really is the problem for human being nowadays.

As the guardian reports today(15 may 2009), rats in parts of Hampshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Swindon and Bristol,were found to undergo mutation that make itself immune to poison towards rodents we used towards them. According to health authorities reports there, 700000 infestations were found in the last year, and an increasing trend to deal with infestation was found. It is very likely, as the authorities there predict that after swine flu, we will soon have to deal with the diseases brought by the rats.

We should not forget that we are presently unprepared towards the threat of these rats diseases. We possess no means to cure patients who get these diseases, and no means to control the rats population in our living places. At present, all our resources is spent on the war with swine flu, which i cannot tell when it will end. But one thing is certain that if this rats threat were to come upon us now, it will, along with swine flu, strike the human beings and its civilization with severest blow. Have you heard of the story of black death in European Middle Ages? High death rate, little economic activities present. It is the time sometimes referred by many later generations as the worst time of the Dark age.

I regard the problem of rat as the very serious one in present time, which i think all the governmental and voluntary bodies should now address and take immediate courses of action towards it. We have to think of new ways to deal with rats, not just killing it with rat killing drugs. This is, i think, the last opportunity to solve rat problem without bringing damages towards our lives and living environment, just like the Munich conference in 1930s to stop the Nazis to conquer the Europe.

I wish i could hear your comments on this.

Best wishes,