Friday, June 25, 2010

海遠 論《琵琶行》

李察先生寫了兩篇文章評論 [琵琶行]. 海遠有不同的觀點. 在討論之前, 海遠先下載 [維基百科] 版本的 [琵琶行] 以供參考.(有很多錯字).

琵琶行并序 白居易

海遠的論點如下 :

(1) 李察先生一下筆就把女主角定性為 [歌妓], 海遠覺得, 女主角更近似日本的 [歌舞伎], 可能賣藝不賣身.
(2) 縱使賣身, 也賣得極高價錢, 客人還要排隊呢 . [五陵少年爭纏頭,一曲紅綃不知數]
(3) [鈿頭雲篦擊節碎,血色羅裙翻酒污], 這可能是少年輕狂瘋狂派對的行為, 未必是痛苦的經歷. [今年歡笑復明年,秋月春風等閒度]。
(4) 白居易與女主角在 [潯陽江] 相遇, 是萍水相逢. 女主角演奏一曲琵琶, 是報 [知音之遇], 似乎不涉金錢利益的交換. [今夜聞君琵琶語,如聽仙樂耳暫明。莫辭更坐彈一曲,為君翻作琵琶行].
(5) [同是天涯淪落人], 只是文人誇大. 白居易由京官貶為地方官. 女主角由大明星轉為住家婦. 兩人並非山窮水盡, 只是緬懷昔日風光. [夜深忽夢少年事,夢啼妝淚紅闌干] ; [座中泣下誰最多?江州司馬青衫溼]
(6) 白居易是文字工作者, 女主角是音樂工作者, +/-性工作者. 前者未必一定[高貴] 過後者. 畢竟, 每年的科舉考試, 都會出產幾十個 [高官], 但能擠身 [名屬教坊第一部] 的才女, 能有幾人? 唐朝, 不愧是中國最有自信的年代.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

it should not be called "education" at all.


Dear William,

Thanks for your ideas. And you had reminded me of a long forgotten ideal of
Labrary, which is a mixture of library and laboratory.

You said that:"Confucians believe that education should be available to all, and education content should be made to fit into everyone need, not into any model we have developed on the basis of any abstract ideas..... " are not correct.

"Education should be available to all" is a lie. Since the teaching materials and exam concents are determined by the ruling elite, then there was no freedom in education. The total aim of Confucius was not to promote knowledge, but to setup the mind for a better ruling, with this special way of treating people, it should not be called "education" at all.

with regards,




Your article on the education of Chinese and Western culture in Hong kong, and your fan article on that topic is very interesting. I think you are quite right to point out that the centre of gravity of our modern education follows the Western one, that we emphasised more on Western ideas, and less on Chinese one( or you may have it, the other culture one, when we are talking in different countries culture other than Western one.) The Western idea dominance in education, of course, has been criticised by many, including Gandhi, and 林語堂, our famous Chinese writer. They both argue that ignoring the local culture system in education could greatly restrict, and even close, the access of local culture to local students. Consequently, these local students lost 6 most precarious year in their life in learning the Western system and not the local one, and the human material of these students could be wasted. A hundred year has passed since these great gentleman has pointed out these problem, and yet the progress of solving it has not advanced a single step, in my judgement. I wish that more people could pay attention to this problem, which, as you have pointe out, is the core of all problems in our society.

I here wish to make my suggestion to solve this problem. The 9-year secondary schooling, which you are now supporting, is a good idea. We can learn deeper and broader in every fields which are interesting, and very useful to us. Medicine( not the do operation of course), Cookery, Chinese poems, Astronomy. But i am doubtful whether it can solve all problems in education. Some of you may complain that the length of education is too long, and that they should complete education earlier. Some of you, however, have found that there are too much to be learned, and they need more time, more than the proposed 9 year, to have a basic understanding of Chinese and Western culture. Therefore, to suit these party needs, i propose that the education term should be made flexible, subject to the students ability to learn. This is very important, even Confucians believe that education should be available to all, and education content should be made to fit into everyone need, not into any model we have developed on the basis of any abstract ideas. We should allow the abolition of boundary between primary, secondary and tertiary education. This could greatly enhance the flow of ideas throughout the three layer of students in existing system by teaching, discussion and other means. We should allow also a liberation of students curriculum. The existing one has writted away the tree of creativity and tree of good taste, and planted the tree of bad tastes in the society. We must allow them to have more choices of courses, based on their desire, not on availability of places. We should let them to see the highest in the mountain, and deepest in the sea, to train them to be best citizen of our places.

Only when our education is flexible can we begin our project of labrary, your proposal of merging laboratory and library. I am a full supporter of this proposal, and i really wish to see this idea to be carried out by the society. It is the idea that inspire me, and i think, to many people in this blog.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Harry potter and 西遊記

Subject: Harry potter and 西遊記 2
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2010 08:55:40 +0800


I enjoy reading your analysis on Harry potter and 西遊記, and i am sure many of your supporters, fans and readers could find it interesting to read this piece of writing now appeared on blog. I wish therefore to thank you for making a good use of the idea set by me, the similarities between Harry potter and 西遊記, which, to the best of my knowledge, is the first comprehensive and inspiring one ever came in public eye. This is a still world open to us, and a treasure waiting for us to find. I am looking forward to reading this too.

Indeed, there is another similarities between Harry potter and 西遊記, which i think you should appreciate. In the final book of Harry potter, Hermione, Ronald and Harry went on for a journey to hunt down the death eaters and destroy horcruxes. In that journey, they had many disagreements on the way they view the world and settle the matters, improved the skills for combating in war against the Dark force at that time, and furthermore developed a better relationship between each other. On top of these the romance between Ronald and Hermione, (or you may have it, Harry and Ginny) is the brightest attraction to many fans( including me), and even many who have not heard of Harry potter story. The story of西遊記, of course is very similar. There is of course no romance between these men in sexual chemistry, and no Dark load dreaming to and working to dominate the whole world 西遊記 story is set. But, in this journey, 孫悟空, 豬八戒, 沙僧, 唐僧 all had disagreement over the way to be taken in finishing the tasks of the journey, and over the views of treating bad guys in the circumstance they had to face. They had used each and every methods available to them, ever the forbidden ones, to solve the crisis, which孫悟空had made the greatest contribution among all four of his team. They had nonetheless developed a team spirit in the end, just like what Harry team did, but in my judgment , Harry’s team has a higher team spirit than孫悟空’s team.

It is not hard to understand why it is the case. Excluding the power of romance taking part in Harry’s team( of which Ronald and Hermione, Harry and Ginny are largely responsible), many can see there is a sense of determination and good faith prevailing in his team. No body could even challenge what Harry was fighting for, They did not fight for the immortal glory in being the first group of people in beating down Voldemort. They did not fight for the amazing romance in shedding blood and treasure in a struggle against the Dark. They fought to restore the world they all loved to a original position, after tainted dramatically by the Darkest force at their world. They wish to preserve the fundamental values of their world, peace, love, and justice, and they understand that to achieve this, they have to offer blood, tears, toil and sweat until the victory is won( To coin a famous Churchill phase). In 孫悟空’s team, they have never got a united commitment, nor do most of them understand true spirit of humanity( except of course孫悟空). With their bias towards the world and imperfect knowledge about the world, they are always cheated by dark guys, and could do some silly things harmful to their own interests, as well as the interests of their friends and those they care for. I can say, with perfect openness, had powerful 孫悟空 been weaker than what he was portrayed in the story, had the merciful God turned his back to this team and refused to offer a single hand to them, had the dark guys made less errors or even blunders in their plan and action, the 孫悟空’s team had, as I can see, many opportunity of being defeated, and even doomed by a opponent both stronger than , equal to and even weaker than them in strength in every tasks they face in this journey. It is true that Harry potter team had a similar fate, but one can hardly see the defeat in孫悟空’s team scale in Harry potter team. When they were carrying out tasks for their world, they have a good understanding on what should be done, and what should not be done, and they did not lose their heart or even beg for a shameful settlement for peace with the Dark who happened to be in the power. They could rather die for the cause they truly believe in, die for the people they loved, than submitting themselves to bad faith and hatred in their world. In西遊記 ‘s world, a majority of people had no spirit of fighting against power that infringe their rights and properties, but to submit themselves wholeheartedly in powers that rule over them. This, I think, is the key difference between the two cultures, Chinese and Western, in their reactions against the power happened to be infringing their rights and properties.

It will be my pleasure if you can allow the two articles I wrote for Harry potter and 西遊記 to be posted on your Thinktank, where good articles are posted there. I am sure that it will be a very interesting topic for many your fans and readers to read and reflect on.

Do you think these two articles are right? I wish to hear your comment on that one.

Best wishes,

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Dostoyevsky and Byron and Shelley


I am very glad to read your article on the great Russian writer, Dostoyevsky. It has drawn me into a deep insight into the Russian literature, a world so familiar to me, and to the nature of genius in the world. Very often genius in this time is described as people getting over 160 in a IQ test, and get a membership at four years old from a well-known Club dedicated to the intelligent people only. I think you are right, genius is not defined by any membership he get from any club, or any marks he get in a iq test, but the work he produced in making the Earth a better place to live in through his extraordinary intelligence, skills and courage. I am very glad to follow your advice to read the literature work of Dostoyevsky, and I am very pleased to invite my friends who have deep interests in story of genius, Russian literature, and the human nature, to have a interesting study of your article published yesterday. I think they will learn many from this article, just as what I have got.

In addition, I wish also you may consider publishing the article of Byron on your blog. A English noble, Byron is the great English writer in the turn of 19th century. His work influenced not only the English philosophizers, but also the European and American philosophizers, including Dostoyevsky. It was him and Shelley, who as two of the great leaders of Romanism school, brought to the eye of Europe many liberal ideas, equality, fraternity, liberty. Byron was a keen supporter of French revolution, and shown great affliction towards American democracy, whom he saw as the best government system at that time. He also attacked, like Beethoven did in his time, the French Emperor Napoleon, whom they both agreed that greedy had corrupted the great man soul. I am sure you will find it interesting, as you did on Dostoyevsky, to study the biography of Byron, and his great partner, Shelley. They are the star of their times, and with them, a new English culture, with liberalism as its core, was born, which at the Queen Victoria time, became one of the brightest icon you have ever seen in world history book, and bring tremendous change to human society since then.

I really cannot hesitate to read your analysis of Byron and Shelley, and I think many my friends cannot hesitate too. To facilitate your study on these great men, I have now attached in this file a copy of these men biographies.

Thank you very much in advance.

I welcome any idea or enquiries from you on this topic.

Best wishes,

Dear William,

Thanks for your good idea. I am now reading the biograpies you had sent to me.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

on Khrushchev


I really like your article on Khrushchev, one of the important leader of Russia in 20th century, and one of the most controversial figure in that age. I think you have sound knowledge on this gentleman life and how it affected the world. You are right to point out what several important policies and decisions taken by him in both domestic and diplomatic fronts are , and how they changed the world scene at that time, and had laid down the foundation stone for liberalisation of Russia under another great leader, Gorbachev in later 1980s. It really expands my horizon in understanding Russian and world history at that period of time, and i shall be grateful for effort paid by you to study this gentleman biography and write an article on him. I shall be very delighted to introduce my friends to read that article.

I may also like to add a point on this article, which you and your readers shall find it useful. It is his support to Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn, the Russian writer and Nobel Laureate in Literature. In 1956, after the Khrushchev Secret Speech, he was freed from imprisonment in Kazakhstan, where he was close to death because the hard work in labor camp deterioated his health. He would then return to his hometown to produce his great literature works.

In 1962, Khrushchev explicitly supported the Noviy Mir magazine to publish One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich in Politburo presidium hearing. He said there is a Stalinist in each of you, there is even a Stalinist in me. We must root out this evil. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich caused sensation not only in Soviet Union but also the West, like Harry Potter series in 2000s, due to both its theme and background of author. Being a novel attacking the Soviet system of prison labour, it was a work produced with themes other than politics, and by a non-party member who had been sent to prison for libelous speech about the leader. It was so popular at that time that it was sold out instantly everywhere, and Alexander gained the worldwide recognition of being a spokesman of Russian liberials at that time.

During his office tenure, Khrushchev allowed the Russian schools to study One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and three other short novels of Alexander, including the Matryona’s Home, the last work Alexander published in Soviet union before its demise. Only after the fall of Khrushchev did Alexander period of writing in Soviet Russia come to an end quietly. His other work, The Cancer Ward, did not get the Russian authorities permission to publish in public, even though he managed to do so. The Secret police in Russia seized his works, and later he was forced to be in exile.

From this story of Khrushchev and Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn you can see how he supported the healthy growth of Russian literature, just like Gorbachev later did. Alexander was free to publish his literature works critical of Russian authorities and Russian systems, and Russians were granted the right to access to his work when Khrushchev was in office. It was him who saw the value of Alexander in Russian literature and world literature, while his party colleagues, strictly following the principles and rules laid down by Stalin and Lenin, failed to do so. With this understanding on the power of Alexander writings and thought, he is more important than any Russian leaders in Soviet Era, including Gorbachev, who was widely seen as a successor of him following strictly every footstep taken by Khrushchev in office.( Except liberation of East European nations, it was purely Gorbachev initiative to push for the end of Russian military presence at that region since the End of Second World War and brought freedom to these region people)

Khrushchev is a very complicated figure, in every point of view. He was both a liberal and hawk, depending on angles adopted to study his career path spinning from Imperial Russia to Soviet Russia. But one thing is sure, he is a man placeing interests of Russian nation, not his personal interests at his heart. He determined to attempt every means he thought suitable to take Russia into a path to a strong and noble nation in the World stage, with status not inferior to the Strongest nation at that time, the United States of America. However, the system of Soviet Union and the thought of people at that time, and his ignorance of the downward trend of 20th century thinking, provided a great hindrance for him to push through his policies and programs, and made him a thousand miles away from success he fought for.

I think you may like this article on Khrushev and Alexander, and you may find Alexander information from I wish you may write to me on this subject. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best wishes,

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On Lincoln and Churchill eloquence in their speech presentation

On Lincoln and Churchill eloquence in their speech presentation


I like your article on Hitler way of speech presentation very much. It has not only served as a guide to study the eloquence of Hitler, but also to study the cause of the bad energy which has been dominating one in 20th century, the century of downward thinking.

Indeed, besides Hitler, Winston Churchill, the great British prime minister in the war with Hitlerism, is also a great orator as well. His speech on 10th May, 1940, when he accepted King’s commission to form the all-party Government to lead the British nation and its Commonwealth and colonies in Second World War, when Germany launched its attack upon France, Netherland, and Belgium, is still electrifying and amazed by many readers and fans. There are so many famous lines in his speech, for example,” I have nothing to offer but blood,toil, tears and sweat”, when he warned his countrymen that they must prepare for a great scarifies in the war, Let us go forward with our united strength, when he asked for the unity of British in the war against that formidable foe. It is his speech which, not only lighten the hope of British, but also the hope of people living in occupied territories, that Britain could and would bring the war with the defeat of aggressors. The spirit of British, after hearing his encouraging words, rose up to a very high level, higher than it had ever achieved at any time when the appeasement policy was carried and the notorious Munich Agreement was signed. I think, using the time-honored word of American journalist, he mobilized the British language and send it into battle.

Apart from Churchill, Lincoln, US President in the Civil War, was also a great orator as well. Do you still remember the Gettysburg Address? In this address, he proclaimed one great idea: Government of the people, for the people, with the people, shall never be perished from the Earth This is one of the most memorable line in his speech, and I think it is the power of this speech that has not only given the energy to the people fighting for the Union Cause in the war, but also given the energy to many other great nationalists after Lincoln.

Here I am very glad to introduce two YouTube video on the great speech of two orators, and indeed politicians in Western World. Winston Churchill speech-Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat is Winston Churchill speech “It was their finest Hour” is: Winston Churchill speech:” Address to Joint Session of Congress” in December 1941 is Abraham Lincoln Gettysburg Address is : I think these YouTube videos and audios could been a good source for your information. You may also ask bookstores, DVD and tape shops to have other versions of these speeches.

I hope, as a way to inspire all gentleman and ladies in your blogs, you could consider writing an article or a series of article, introducing the eloquence of these great gentleman, who have rendered service not only to their nation, but to the achievement of the human being. In this way could we regain the power, the power which has driven us to the age of Romanticism in 19th Century, that could make our living planet the better place to live in.

I wish I could hear your comments made on this subject.

Best wishes,

Sunday, May 17, 2009

problem of the rats


I cannot agree more with your prophetic words in the article:蟑螂打噴嚏了,怎麼辦? It has been said long time ago by many experts that the dirtiness of the drainage shall make the drainage an ideal habitat for the cockroaches to live and transform themselves into a super cockroaches with resistance against the insecticide we are now using. However, these words went unheeded by majority of people in many quarters of world, and that it really is the problem for human being nowadays.

As the guardian reports today(15 may 2009), rats in parts of Hampshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Swindon and Bristol,were found to undergo mutation that make itself immune to poison towards rodents we used towards them. According to health authorities reports there, 700000 infestations were found in the last year, and an increasing trend to deal with infestation was found. It is very likely, as the authorities there predict that after swine flu, we will soon have to deal with the diseases brought by the rats.

We should not forget that we are presently unprepared towards the threat of these rats diseases. We possess no means to cure patients who get these diseases, and no means to control the rats population in our living places. At present, all our resources is spent on the war with swine flu, which i cannot tell when it will end. But one thing is certain that if this rats threat were to come upon us now, it will, along with swine flu, strike the human beings and its civilization with severest blow. Have you heard of the story of black death in European Middle Ages? High death rate, little economic activities present. It is the time sometimes referred by many later generations as the worst time of the Dark age.

I regard the problem of rat as the very serious one in present time, which i think all the governmental and voluntary bodies should now address and take immediate courses of action towards it. We have to think of new ways to deal with rats, not just killing it with rat killing drugs. This is, i think, the last opportunity to solve rat problem without bringing damages towards our lives and living environment, just like the Munich conference in 1930s to stop the Nazis to conquer the Europe.

I wish i could hear your comments on this.

Best wishes,